
19 September 2022, Mon, 10:45

It may turn the entire Sylhet region into desert; may cause repeated flood as well

PM signs MoU with India on sharing the water of Kushiara river; Jamaat Ameer condemns

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

17 September 2022, Sat, 10:17

Harshly criticizes government’s weak and ineffective foreign policy

Myanmar forces shot mortar shells inside Bangladesh territory; one killed; Acting Secretary General condemns

- Maulana ATM Masum

5 September 2022, Mon, 10:29

9 people killed in Rangpur road accident; Jamaat Ameer condoles

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

29 August 2022, Mon, 10:59

International Day of the Disappeared is being observed on 30th August

Jamaat Ameer calls to form all-out resistance against the incumbent fascist government

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

24 August 2022, Wed, 4:16

Maulana Shamsul Islam re-arrested; Jamaat Ameer condemns

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

17 August 2022, Wed, 2:15

Following the Netranews report, Amnesty International demands stern actions

Acting Secretary General urges to form an investigation commission under United Nations to reveal facts about secret prison cell

- Maulana ATM Masum

7 July 2022, Thu, 12:06

Jamaat Ameer greets the countrymen on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman