20 August 2022, Sat

Acting Secretary General urges foreign minister to seek forgiveness for his –anti-constitutional remarks

- Maulana ATM Masum

Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 20th August 2022 protesting and condemning the remarks of the Foreign Minister.

Foreign Minister M A Momen went to India on a state visit and requested the Indian government to do whatever is required to prolong the tenure of the incumbent government of Bangladesh-such a remark has surprised and shocked the nation. His remark goes against the constitution and the independence and sovereignty of the country. His statement is tantamount to the audacity with the citizens of Bangladesh.

The people of Bangladesh will decide who will rule the country or not. The country did not give this responsibility or power on any other country. By requesting the Indian government to prolong the present government of Bangladesh, the foreign minister has ridiculed the nation. It is a certain blow against the sovereignty of Bangladesh. Minister is far away, even an ordinary citizen can not make such an unwanted request. His remark is a clear violation of the constitutional oath which is saying that “I shall possess pure faith and obedience to Bangladesh.”

We vehemently protest and condemn the remark of the foreign minister. Our clear demand is the foreign minister has to seek forgiveness from the people for his anti-constitutional and irrational remarks.