24 June 2024, Mon

Secretary General expresses deep concern as the government failed to ensure due rights of water of the common rivers with India

-Professor Mia Golam Porwar

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Secretary General and former MP Professor Mia Golam Porwar has issued the following statement on 24th June, 2024 expressing deep concern as the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has failed to secure the water rights of the common rivers in her recent trip to neighboring India.

During the latest trip of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, 10 memorandums of understandings have been signed with India but she failed to secure the water rights of the common rivers with India. Such a failure of Bangladeshi premier is very shameful.

Getting share of water of the common rivers is a globally recognized right of Bangladesh. Our existences in relation to agriculture, industries, business and national security are related to this right. As the government of Bangladesh is unelected so, they are demonstrating their submissive and weakness in bargaining with India. Actually, not because of the objection of the West Bengal government, rather Teesta River sharing treaty is not happening due to reluctance of the Indian government.

Indian government proposed to conserve the water of Teesta River in Bangladeshi part which is very shameful. Bangladesh government must protest the River Interlinking Project of India. The socio-economic condition of Bangladesh and environmental balance of Bangladesh is being hampered as the country is not getting the due rights of water.

As India has constructed dams over the Surma-Kushirara river basin, so greater Sylhet is being affected by flood almost in every year and caused financial loss of thousands of crores of taka. But the Prime Minister in her trip did not utter a single word in this regard. Our clear assertion is, until the demand of having due share of water is met, all facilities to India including transit should be stopped.

We have been observing that by signing a deed with India for launching train services from Kolkata to Rajshahi and Kolkata to Chittagong, the Prime Minister has put the security of Bangladesh in stake. Whenever she goes to India, she gives only but is never able to receive anything significant. It is an outcome of her submissive foreign policy. Awami League has destroyed the electoral system. They come to the power by holding farcical election with the assistance and support of India. So, after coming to the office, they had to satisfy India by all means.

I am urging the Bangladeshi government to come out of their subservient foreign policy and also to work for the greater interest of the 17-crore people.