
20 October 2019, Sun, 9:17

Hindu youth makes derogatory comments against Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

At least 4 people killed and over 100 injured as police fires bullets against peaceful protesters in Bhola; Hamidur Rahman Azad condemns

16 October 2019, Wed, 7:09

Urges all quarters to practice religious and moral values

Nation suffers from severe moral crisis and excessive brutalities; Secretary General expresses concern

7 October 2019, Mon, 9:46

Demands immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the killers

Chhatra League cadres murder a BUET student for posting dissident views in facebook; Secretary General condemns

14 August 2019, Wed, 8:22

Rawhide industry is facing deep crisis; Secretary General expresses concern

Urges government to take effective actions to stop rawhide smuggling