
27 May 2023, Sat, 11:52

Bandarban district Jamaat’s workers’ conference held

Dawah activities to be continued despite the risky environment

- Maulana ATM Masum

26 May 2023, Fri, 9:25

Bogra city members’ Training Workshop held

Jamaat-e-Islami is moving forward despite the government’s persecution and torture

-Maulana Abdul Halim

25 May 2023, Thu, 11:31

Thakurgaon district’s workers’ conference held

Islamic state to be established by creating suitable manpower, says Acting Ameer

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

23 May 2023, Tue, 10:28

Members’ conference held in Netrokona

The country is not functioning constitutionally, alleges Professor Mujibur Rahman

22 May 2023, Mon, 11:21

No election will be allowed under incumbent political government

-Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher

19 May 2023, Fri, 11:00

Central Executive Committee meeting held

Acting Ameer condemns re-arrest of Jamaat leaders; demands release of all political detainees

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

19 May 2023, Fri, 11:03

Mymensingh district Jamaat’s Upazila and Union leaders’ conference held

Torture and repression to be stopped; Detained leaders to be released immediately, says Acting Ameer

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

16 May 2023, Tue, 7:03

We have to work relentlessly to establish a welfare society

-Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher

14 May 2023, Sun, 11:40

Jamaat will not step back because of torture and oppression

-Maulana Abdul Halim

13 May 2023, Sat, 10:35

Islamic society to be built by attaining Taqwa

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

7 May 2023, Sun, 11:12

The countrymen will not accept another farcical election, says Acting Ameer

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

4 May 2023, Thu, 4:09

Victory to be secured through patience, says Acting Ameer

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

29 April 2023, Sat, 11:47

Dhaka South district’s Eid reunion held

The government has destructed democracy and democratic values just to retain power

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

29 April 2023, Sat, 11:50

Dhaka south city Jamaat’s eid reunion held

There is no alternative but a broad base movement for securing public rights, says Acting Ameer

-Professor Mujibur Rahman