27 May 2023, Sat

Uncompromising role to be played to secure democracy and a free and fair election

-Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher

Dinajpur North organizational district virtually arranged a workers’ conference on 26th May, Friday. Jamaat-e-Islami’s Nayeb-e-Ameer and former MP Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher addressed the conference as the chief guest.

In his address, Dr. Taher said, we should play an uncompromising role to secure democracy and to ensure a free and fair election. The upcoming parliament election is the biggest challenge for us. This time, we will not allow to repeat a farcical election like 2014 and 2018. We have to preserve and protect our voting rights at any cost. All constituencies of Dinajpur North district are very potential. So, we have to make efforts unitedly. Each of the voters should be given the opportunity to come to the vote centers and also to cast their votes. We have to leave the poll centers after ensuring the final result.

Because of the undemocratic practice of the government, the democratic nations of the world are pressing Bangladesh to secure the voting rights of the people. The people of Bangladesh could not cast their votes properly in the last 15 years. The United States of America also termed its latest visa policies as a helpful step for facilitating democracy and a fair election. The countrymen are united to secure their voting rights. The incumbent Awami League has seized citizen’s fundamental rights including rights to expression and the right to get justice. We will welcome anybody if they help us to restore the lost rights.

At this very crucial time, Jamaat-e-Islami is working to free the nation from repression. We do have a great responsibility. We expect you will play that role sensibly and effectively, he added.

Dr. Taher stated that we have to make a courageous move. The entire world is afraid of that man who fears Allah. We are moving keeping life in our hands. If necessary, we will sacrifice our lives for the sake of Allah. May Allah help us to play a significant role to bring quality changes in the country. May Allah help us. Ameen.