6 July 2024, Sat, 11:05

Chittagong city Jamaat organised workshop for members

Honest and qualified leaders are required to lead the nation properly

-Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami's Nayeb-e-Ameer and former lawmaker Dr. Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher has said, to lead the nation properly, some honest and qualified leaders are seriously required. Jamaat-e-Islami has been working to produce such skilled and qualified leadership. The countrymen are responding cordially to the call of Jamaat-e-Islami as this organisation has played a significant role for establishing Islam and also for securing democracy in this country.

He said this while addressing a workshop organised for the members by Chittagong city Jamaat-e-Islami. Jamaat's central Majlish-e-Shura member and Chittagong city Jamaat Ameer and former MP Shahjahan Chowdhury presided over the program. Jamaat Secretary General and former lawmaker Professor Mia Golam Porwar, Assistant Secretary General Maulana Abdul Halim and Muhammad Shahjahan addressed the program as the special guests.

Dr. Taher said, the people of Bangladesh love Islam. This land is favorable to Islam. 90 percent of the total population are Muslims. So, the people are truly interested to accept the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami. The previous credible elections proved this reality. But Jamaat leaders and activists have to sacrifice more to secure people’s voting rights and to establish honest and corruption-free leaders for replacing the existing corrupted ones.

Mia Golam Porwar said, to attain the satisfaction of Almighty Allah, we have to offer more sacrifices of our lives and properties. All these properties belong to Allah but the human beings have been given the responsibility of taking care of these issues.

Jamaat-e-Islami is the platform to facilitate these sacrifices. According to the constitution of Jamaat-e-Islami, its members have some duties and obligations.

To overcome the existing challenges, we have to gain proximity with Allah by performing more prayers sincerely. We have to seek help and assistance regularly from Allah. Islamic movement's activists have to do their activities through clear understanding. They have to give preference the Akhirah over this temporary world. We have taken an oath by the name of Allah and it can never be overturned by any means.

Maulana Abdul Halim said, calamities and dangers are inseparable parts of life. We have to be successful by overcoming all these obstacles. The deceivers escape away after watching the upcoming dangers. They remain available only in favorable time. But as believers, we have to rely upon Allah while overcoming these challenges. Murder, abductions or imprisonment are very common for the leaders and activists of the Islamic movement. We have to face these barriers with courage and absolute trust upon Allah. Then we will start to receive blessings from Almighty Allah.

Maulana Muhammad Shahjahan said, we have to maintain organizational loyalty and discipline at all levels. We have come to this position after lots of sacrifices. So, we must continue our Dawah activities, we should put emphasis on reading core books and be alert so that the expected environment of the organisation remain unhampered. We shouldn’t transgress the boundaries, set by Allah. We should control our temperament. Islamic movement activists should not nurture envy and jealousy in their hearts.