16 July 2024, Tue, 2:50

Secretary General protests and condemns the attacks of Chhatra League and other outsiders on agitating students

-Professor Mia Golam Porwar

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Secretary General and former lawmaker Professor Mia Golam Porwar has issued the following statement on 16th July, 2024 protesting and condemning the heinous attacks of Chhatra League goons and other outsiders on the agitating students who are continuing movement, demanding the cancellation of the quota system from the government jobs which left at least 500 male and female students wounded.

I am vehemently condemning the heinous attacks of Chhatra League goons and other outsiders on the agitating students in various campuses including Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi and Jahangir Nagar Universities. I am calling upon the government to make an amicable solution to the existing crisis.

The students are continuing a peaceful movement demanding the cancellation of the quota system from the government jobs. But instead of finding out a reasonable solution, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her cabinet members have been delivering provocative statements repeatedly. They are causing violence in order to foil the ongoing student movement.

He also said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had made a sarcastic comment calling the protesting student society "grandchildren of Razakar" in a press conference held at her government residence Ganabhaban on last 14th July. Then, General Secretary of Awami League and Minister of Roads, Transport and Bridges Mr. Obaidul Quader said in a press conference organized at Awami League's Dhanmondi office on July 15 noon that "Chatra League is enough to answer the self-confessed Razakars." Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hasan Mahmud and Law Minister Advocate Anisul Haque hurled derogatory remarks at students and their parents and heated up the peaceful atmosphere. Finally, on 15th July, the government engaged Chhatra League cadres and other outsiders to carry attacks on the students at various university campuses including Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, and Jahangirnagar universities across the country and left more than five hundred students critically injured.

We are urging the concerned authorities to stop atrocities and terrorism and also to find out reasonable solution by addressing the just demands of the agitating students. I am also calling upon the authorities to take stern legal measures against the attackers following a proper and fair investigation.