
29 April 2023, Sat, 11:44

Acting Ameer urges to observe historic May Day with due dignity and fervor

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

20 April 2023, Thu, 9:28

Acting Ameer extends greetings to the countrymen on the occasion of Eid-u;-Fitr

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

20 April 2023, Thu, 10:42

Acting Ameer urges countrymen to offer Salatul Istisqa seeking rain

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

8 April 2023, Sat, 4:23

Dhaka North city Ameer Selim Uddin and 14 others arrested from Iftar program; Remand granted

Acting Ameer condemns the government for their repression even in Ramadan

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

24 March 2023, Fri, 12:22

Acting Ameer calls to observe Independence and National Day on 26th March

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

19 March 2023, Sun, 12:42

19 killed in Madaripur road crash; Acting Ameer condoles

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

15 March 2023, Wed, 9:41

Unprecedented mayhem centering SCBA elections

Several journalists and lawyers injured inside the court compound; Acting Secretary General condemns

- Maulana ATM Masum