10 October 2023, Tue, 10:04

Chittagong city labor leader arrested; Acting Secretary General condemns

Maulana ATM Masum

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Acting Secretary General Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 10th October 2023 protesting and condemning the unjust arrest of Chittagong city’s Sramik Kollan Federation’s General Secretary Moqbul Ahmad Bhuiyan.

“Police have arrested Chittagong city’s Sramik Kollan Federation’s General Secretary Moqbul Ahmad Bhuiyan intentionally. There was no arrest of warrant against him. He has been arrested unjustifiably. It is not a good sign to arrest the people with dissident views randomly. I am condemning this unjust arrest drive of the police force.
Just out of suspicion, it is illegal and unconstitutional to arrest a citizen or to take in custody. This kind of act hampers concerned individual’s right and dignity. According to the constitution of Bangladesh, all citizens have the right to move freely. It is the fundamental right of a citizen. So, such a kind of arrest is regrettable.
I am urging the countrymen to raise voice against the incumbent tyrannical government which is frequently violating people’s basic rights. Besides, I am calling upon the concerned authorities to release all political detainees including Maqbul Ahmad Bhuiyan immediately.”