Narail district Ameer Ataur Rahman Bachchu has greeted the residents of the district on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. Local Jamaat activists sticked those greeting posters to the wall in different places of Sadar thana of the district. Later, on 26th June Monday, Sadar thana’s OC Rakibul Islam, Shujat Ali and ASI Magfur led team tore all those posters.
Central executive committee member of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and party’s coordinator for Jessore-Kushtia region Mobarak Hossain has issued the following statement on 27th June protesting and condemning this incident.
During the occasions of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, the Muslims got a chance to get involved with one another on the basis of brotherhood. Marking the occasion, greetings posters are being sticked to the wall. This practice created solidarity and peace in the society. So, naturally the question arises, what is police’s desire as they tore such peaceful posters? Their attitude and activities are very unprecedented, unexpected and objectionable. I am condemning such heinous role of the policemen.
Police are the servant of the people. People expect that the policemen will abide by the words of the oaths. Their main tasks are to ensure peace and stability in the society. To keep society free from all immoral and unsocial activities. To resist the offenses prevailing in the society. They should not indulge the offenders and perpetrators. But the policemen of Narail district have committed this bad practice. As the police is functioning with the public taxes, so they should not come into a face-to-face situation against the people.
I am urging the police members of Narail district to act as per their oath and also to discharge their duties properly and professionally in order to ensure peace and equity in the society.