Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 1st December 2022 protesting and condemning the money looting incidents from Islami Bank unsystematically and also to take initiatives for bringing all deposited money back immediately.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, which has attained outstanding success in the banking sector in Bangladesh and in the Muslim world is now a victim of a severe conspiracy. Based on the hard work and assistance of the depositors and entrepreneurs, Islami Bank has been functioning successfully for the last 40 years. Islami Bank effectively brought pace in the country’s agriculture, industry, trade and commerce, rural economy, education, health, and remittance flow. Being inspired by its success stories, 10 more banks launched Islamic Banking as well. But the government did not see its achievement positively and under its backing, the bank has been seized away by some people in 2017 by altering the management committee and board of directors.
The incumbent government has already made the country bankrupt by plotting various scams including destiny, money laundering, looting, and capital market collapse. Islami Bank is the latest victim of the government’s conspiracy. This bank already spread its network in cities and villages. But the government’s conspiracies and evil plans have created severe anarchy in the national economy already.
We have been observing with great concern that since 2017, ill efforts have been made to loot the deposited money of this bank but Bangladesh Bank played a passive and silent role in this regard. Disregarding the company law and regulations and violating the highest credit margin, an unprecedented amount of money have been given to some vague company and thus the money of this bank has been looted. Bangladesh Bank took no initiative since then. But now, after so much hue and cry and media reports, the central bank is trying to make crocodile tears.
We want to assert that Islami Bank is the biggest economic institution in the country. Islamist people have preserved the deposits of the people with the highest sincerity. As such the government’s effort of looting money will never be accepted by the depositors, shareholders, and customers of this bank.
We are urging the concerned authorities to bring back the looted money and also to arrest all those offenders, who were involved in looting and financial scandals. Besides, we are calling upon the investors and clients to raise their voices against the conspiracy of destroying Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.