20 November 2023, Mon

Calls to strengthen ongoing movement

Central Majlish-e-Shura expresses concern over the verdict of the Supreme Court in party's registration case

Considers recent move as an initiative to keep Jamaat-e-Islami out of the election

A meeting of the central Majlish-e-Shura of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami was held on 20th November, 2023 with party's Acting Ameer and former lawmaker Professor Mujibur Rahman in the chair. The meeting expressed deep concern over the perverse judgment of Bangladesh Supreme Court in Jamaat-e-Islami's registration case and adopted the following resolution:

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is the largest Islamic political party of the country. Jamaat had its representation in almost all the parliament in previous occasions. Jamaat's lawmakers have gained reputations for their constructive roles both inside and outside the parliament. Top two designated leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami had served the nation as ministers and they had set an outstanding examples of honesty, integrity and accountability.

Jamaat had introduced the concept of caretaker government for holding fair and credible election. To incorporate the caretaker government system in the constitution, Jamaat had made movement since 1983 along with Awami League and BNP. Then again from 1994-96, Jamaat continued the Mohammad to press home the same demand and finally the party became able to enact the system as a law through 13th amendment to the constitution. As a result, a system for holding a free, fair, credible and inclusive election had been launched in the country. But coming to the power in 2008, Awami League dismissed the 13th amendment and subsequently through 15th amendment to the constitution, they cancelled the caretaker government system and put the nation into severe political stalemate. Jamaat-e-islami and other opposition parties are doing movement now for restoring caretaker government. The whole nation is also united to press home this demand. Under such circumstance, without giving any chance to conduct hearing, Jamaat's appeal petition in the registration case has been dismissed in order to keep Jamaat-e-Islami out of the elected process.

Jamaat-e-Islami is an election-oriented party. Jamaat is used to take part in all types of elections. Jamaat-e-islami also took part in the local government elections and a significant number of Jamaat backed candidates had secured victories as Upazila Chairman, Vice-chairman and union council chairman. Jamaat had been vocal always against falsehood, injustice and terrorism.

Jamaat's lawyers submitted time petition in this registration case for conducting hearing properly. But rejecting that plea, the court fixed 19th November for hearing. The opposition parties declared nationwide strike on that day. It is the tradition of the upper court that the senior lawyers do not take part in hearing during a strike. Naturally, Jamaat's senior lawyers could not attend the hearing on that day. But making a hurry move, the Appellate Division dismissed the appeal petition of Jamaat-e-Islami and delivered a perverse judgment. Central Majlish-e-Shura think that, as hearing did not take place in such a crucial case, so in parameter of justice, the verdict is not acceptable.

This perverse judgment was delivered to divert the ongoing movement. With such initiative, new obstructions have been created in the path of a free, fair and credible election. Jamaat-e-Islami has been made deprived from justice by dint of this perverse judgment. Central Majlish-e-Shura is urging the manpower of Jamaat-e-Islami and all democratic forces to intensify the ongoing movement in order to ensure immediate stepdown of the government.