19 March 2022, Sat

We have to make the highest sacrifice to attain the satisfaction of Almighty Allah, says Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has said, Almighty Allah has sent Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon Him) as a blessing for humanity. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon Him) loved his birthland so much. We have to love our birthland as well and have to work hard to bring the citizens of the country towards the path of Islam. Like the sacrifices of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon Him) and Prophet Ibrahim (A), we have to remain firm and steady on the path of Islam despite all sorts of obstructions, barriers, and adversities. We had made our oath as Rukn (party member) to sacrifice our wealth and lives for the sake of Almighty Allah to attain the Jannah. We did not have any materialistic purpose behind that oath. As such, we have to rethink, whether we can fulfill the spirit of that oath or violate the oath.

In this backdrop, Jamaat Ameer has made the following suggestions for the party members:

1. To exercise the instructions, which has been made obligatory by Allah
2. To refrain from all prohibited issues
3. To continue the work of establishing Deen Islam ignoring all fears and tensions
4. To worship Allah humbly and decorate lives as per the directives of Almighty Allah
5. To demonstrate respect for all human beings. We have to love all and work for their betterment
6. To make courteous behavior with the opponents
7. To enrich the children and other family members with the lessons of Islami ideologies and moral characters and worldly education.
8. If we can color ourselves with the color of Allah, then Islam will be established in this land, insha Allah

He said this while addressing the member conference of Natore district on the virtual platform on 19th March as the chief guest. Natore district Jamaat Ameer Professor Dr. Mir Nurul Islam presided over the event while district Secretary Safequr Rahman hosted the conference. Among others, central executive committee member and Rajshahi region’s coordinator Principal Md. Shahabuddin, central organizing secretary  Professor Rafiqul Islam, central organizing secretary Principal Muhaddith Abdul Khaleq and Natore district’s Nayeb-e-Ameer Professor Md. Younus Ali addressed the program.