14 December 2023, Thu

Turkish MP Hasan Bitmez dies after suffering heart attack; Acting Ameer condoles

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Acting Ameer and former member of the Parliament Professor Mujibur Rahman has issued the following message of condolence on 14th December], 2023 expressing deep shock at the death of Turkish Saadet Party’s Vice chairman and parliament member Hasan Bitmez.

Hasan Bitmez, 54, a member of parliament from the opposition Felicity (Saadet) Party, died in Ankara City Hospital, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca told reporters in televised remarks.

I am expressing deep shock and condolence at the death of Turkish Saadet Party’s Vice chairman and parliament member Hasan Bitmez. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. Mr. Bitmez was a distinguished leader and he has dedicated himself for establishing Islam in Turkey. He was a former student of Al Azhar University, Cairo. As the chairperson of Islamic Union Research Center, he worked hard to create a bridge between the working strategy inside and outside of the National council. He was fully motivated and devoted to his purpose and vision.

In different occasions, through discussion and exchanges of views, he extended his support to our beloved organization. He generosity and positive attitude always made us grateful. His demise has created a vacuum which is difficult to fulfil.

May Almighty Allah accept all his good deeds. May Allah forgive him and upgrade his position in Jannah. May Allah bless the Turkish people, his well-wishers, and mournful families with patience to overcome the shock of this painful demise.