1 July 2017, Sat

Banking sector is at stake due to ruling party men’s looting and corruption; Mia Ghulam Parwar expresses concern

Nayeb-e-Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former lawmaker Professor Mia Ghulam Parwar has issued the following statement on 1st July, 2017 expressing deep concern at the disastrous status of the banking industry.

“The banking industry of Bangladesh is now at stake due unprecedented looting of the ruling party’s influential personnel. Finance Minister Abul Mal Abul Mal Abdul Muhith in his recent parliament address also admitted the bankrupt condition of the banking industry. But the countrymen want to know who are responsible for this crisis? Can the finance minister avoid the liabilities of this situation? Finance experts and the mass people think that the incumbent government, particularly the finance minister is responsible for this catastrophic situation in the banking industry. The present government and its finance minister cannot avert the responsibilities and liabilities of the looting in the banking sector and also in the capital market.

The countrymen are well informed about the massive looting, corruption in the Basic Bank, Sonali Bank, Agrani Bank and BDBL and also about the reserve fund scam during the tenure of the current government. Though some eyewash committees have been formed to probe into these scams but practically no effective measures have been taken at all. Rather, the process of investigation has been stopped afterwards just to save the ruling party big fishes. The financial hooligans have made the financial institutions bankrupt due to such indulgence from the government. Furthermore the provision of keeping 4 members from a same family as the bank director, the authority has created more options for conducting corruption. Finance Minister is now trying to manage the situation by imposing various kinds of unjustifiable taxes upon the masses. This is direct cheating with the people.

Including the bank industry, the entire national economy is in crisis now. But how the finance minister is still holding the office, this is a big question among the people. Even he is in the chair despite the repeated demand of the parliament members seeking his resignation. He should resign immediately for his liabilities.

I am urging the concerned authority to take effective steps to punish the personnel who are responsible for such disastrous condition in the banking sector as well as to eradicate corruption from the financial institutions immediately.”