Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 18 July 2021 extending greetings to the countrymen on the occasion of holy Eid-ul-Azha.
“The holy Eid-ul-Azha is again knocking our door with the historical lesson and significance of sacrifice and devotion. Eid-ul-Azha encourages us to offer more sacrifice and also to hold more dedication. Eid-ul-Azha revives the spirit of sacrificing everything for the satisfaction of Almighty Allah. The holy occasion also teaches us to work for eradicating social discrimination and for establishing a just society free from exploitation and repression. We have to follow Islam wholeheartedly personally and collectively with a sincere mind of devotion and sacrifice. Only then, we can attain the bounty and satisfaction of Almighty Allah.
Because of the deteriorating pandemic situation, people have lost their jobs and professional opportunities and subsequently they became totally helpless. People are living deplorable lives. Under such circumstances, I am extending greetings to my fellow countrymen with a mournful heart.
Let us come forward to bring smile in the face of these impoverished people by dint of highest sacrifice. Let us extend our hands of cooperation and support to these people on the basis of mutual assistance. We can attain pleasure and satisfaction of Allah and bounty like Jannah by helping the orphans and other helpless families.
I am seeking salvations for those people who have died of corona virus both in Bangladesh and abroad. We are praying to Allah sincerely to seek shelter and protection from this pandemic and all other dangers and critical conditions. May Allah help and protect us all.
I personally and on behalf of our beloved organization, Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, I am wishing peace, prosperity, safety and happiness of my fellow countrymen. I am again extending my Eid greetings to the countrymen.