9 May 2024, Thu

Jamaat Ameer condemns Israeli occupying force’s brutal attack in Rafah

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 9th May, 2024 protesting and condemning the barbarous and heinous attack of the Israeli occupying forces in Rafah city of Palestine and simultaneously urging the global community to take effective and urgent steps to bring an end to the ongoing cleansing operation in Palestine.

“The Israeli occupying forces, since 1948, have been occupying and demolishing the houses and establishments of the Palestinian Muslims. For last 75 years, Israeli forces are conducting such genocidal and terrorism activities. Since last 7th October of last year, Israel has killed more than 35 thousand Palestinian civilians and wounded 80 thousand more. Of the casualties, 70 percent are women and children. Millions of people have been persecuted and evacuated. Civilian structures including hospital, mosques, Madrasa, school, colleges or shelter centers nothing is spared from their inhuman attacks. So far, 7 mass graveyards have been found in Gaza and 520 bodies have been recovered from these graves. We do not have enough word to condemn the Israeli aggressions against the oppressed Muslims of Palestine. We are severely condemning such brutal attacks of the Israeli forces, which are the enemy to the humanity.

Already 1.5 million evacuated Palestinians have taken shelter in Rafah city. They are leading deplorable lives over there. There is huge shortages of food and water. Thousands of Palestinians are becoming sick. Amid such terrible situation, Israeli occupying forces with the armored tanks have captured some areas of Rafah city and started attacking the city. They also suspended food supply in the locality. Military experts opined, Rafah may witness unprecedented and uncontrollable humanitarian crisis if the Israeli forces make any ground operation over there.

Paying no heed to the United Nations and other global platforms, Israeli authorities have been violating all international rules, law, norms and human rights. Different democratic countries across the globe and the UN itself failed multiple times to stop the Israeli aggression. It has been apparent already that without establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, the Palestinian crisis will not be solved.

We are calling upon the OIC, United Nations, peace-living democratic world and the Muslim community to take effective measures to recognize Palestine as an independent and sovereign country and simultaneously to establish peace and stability in the Middle East.

I am praying to Almighty Allah to accept the martyrdoms of those Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli aerial attacks. Besides, I am extending my deep shock and condolence to the victim's families, the Palestinian people, and the authorities of Gaza and the state of Palestine.”