A meeting of the central executive committee of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami held with party's Acting Ameer and former lawmaker Professor Mujibur Rahman in the chair. The executive committee members attended the meeting. While presiding over the meeting, Acting Ameer said, in the name of bringing major changes in the educational system, the incumbent government has been plotting conspiracy to destroy the future generations. Coming to the power through a farcical election, the government has made major changes in the curriculum which are against our tradition and religion. Omitting the ethical values and religious spirit, the authority has inserted indecencies. The upcoming generation is being grown up through education. On the contrary, the government has enacted an academic system which is completely against our national ideology and basic identity.
The fascist government is mulling conspiracy to destroy the characters of the upcoming generations by imposing an immoral and unethical curriculum. 92% of our population are Muslims and they will not accept such controversial curriculum. The government is making a heinous plot to eliminate the Muslim culture and identity by incorporating perverted sexual topics like transgender. Already these issues have been included in the textbooks of class 7 which will pave the way for homosexuality. By studying such unnecessary and controversial issues, our future generation will emerge as immoral citizens which is an alarming sign for the nation.
Acting Ameer said, the conspiracy for destroying the future generation by imposing unethical curriculum, can never be accepted. The whole nation should be united to press the demand for excluding non-Islamic and unethical topis and also for introducing a moral curriculum based of national values, science, ethical and religious ideology. I am urging the religious scholars, academicians, teachers, students, guardians and patriot citizens, to form all-out resistance against the suicidal educational policy of the government.