13 November 2023, Mon

Jamaat-e-Islami declares two days of blockade across the country on Wednesday and Thursday

-Maulana ATM Masum

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Acting Secretary General Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 13th November 2023 declaring 48-hour blockade on 15th and 16th November.

The incumbent authoritarian government is mulling to come back to the power by holding a farcical election once again through the process of rigging and intimidation. Just to remain in office, they have turned the nation into a failed, ineffective and subservient nation and as such the independence and sovereignty of the country is under threat now.

To get rid of the situation, on behalf of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, I am declaring nationwide peaceful blockade of road, naval ways and railways from 15th November 6 am to 17th November 6 am for 48 hours demanding the resignation of the government, release of Jamaat Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman and other political detainees, withdrawal of false cases and for bringing the prices of the essentials within people’s capacity. I am caking upon the leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and the fellow countrymen to make the declared programs successful.