Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami's Acting Secretary General Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 11th November 2023 urging to observe nationwide 48-hour blockade properly and peacefully.
"A democratic government is formed with spontaneous participation of the people. Such government is made without any fear and intimidation and it works for the public welfare. But the incumbent government is not something like that. So they have no right to talk about democracy. They have been causing unbearable suffering to the nation in last 15 years. They are remaining in power without any mandate. If the election takes place properly they will face certain defeat. Having such idea, they have intentionally cancelled the caretaker government system. Democracy is under threat because of their conspiracies. People cannot cast their votes. They do not have the scope to elect their preferable government. They do not enjoy freedom of speech. Autocracy has been launched in this country. Rights to hold meeting, procession and rally have been taken away. Nobody even the women and kids are not spared from their suppression. The nation is in terrible crisis and this situation can no longer continue.
Under the circumstances, we have become compelled to declare programs like blockade to free the nation from the misrule and also to secure people’s voting rights, simultaneously demanding immediate stepdown of the government, release of Jamaat Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman and other political detainees, withdrawal of false cases, restoration of the caretaker government system and for bringing the prices of the essentials within people's capacity.
Centering the upcoming 12th national election, a tensed situation has been created in the country and Awami League is responsible for this situation. To ease the political situation, they should take step to hold election under a caretaker government. Otherwise, they have to take liabilities for the untoward consequences.
Therefore, we are urging the Jamaat leaders and activists and the fellow countrymen to observe 48-hour long blockade of road, naval routes and railways on 12th and 13th November properly and peacefully through active participation for the sake of the greater interest of the nation.