11 November 2023, Sat

Senior opposition leaders and 22 Jamaat leaders and activists arrested; Hamidur Rahman Azad protests

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami's Assistant Secretary General and former lawmaker Hamidur Rahman Azad has issued the following statement on 11th November 2023 protesting and condemning the unjust arrests of BNP-minded 12 parties alliance partner and Jatio Dal's chairman Syed Ehsanul Huda and 22 leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and its various wing organizations.

"The government is unlawfully arrested thousands of leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and other opposition parties to foil the ongoing movement. In order to destroy the leadership of opposition forces, the government arrested BNP-minded 12 parties alliance partner and Jatio Dal's chairman Syed Ehsanul Huda and 22 leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and its different front organisations. We are condemning all these unjustified arrest incidents.

The countrymen think, the government is mulling to hold another one-sided election and this is why they are trying to subdue the opposition and continuing nationwide arrest drives in a bid to come back to the power again. The authoritarian government became afraid of losing power and as such they are oppressing the opposition parties by engaging the law enforcers and the administration. But ultimately they will not be able to thwart this movement by such repressive policies.

I am urging the government to release all detained opposition leaders and activists including Syed Ehsanul Huda immediately.