7 November 2023, Tue

The people will resist attempts for holding another one-sided and farcical election

-Maulana ATM Masum

Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 7th November 2023 urging to observe 48-hour long blockade on 8th and 9th November peacefully.

The opposition parties have been doing movement demanding resignation of the government, immediate release of Jamaat Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, other political detainees, withdrawal of false cases and for bringing the price of the essentials within people’s capacities. Since the declaration of the programs, the government has been conducting repression nationwide. By undertaking various plots and conspiracies, they are subduing the democratic, constitutional and fundamental rights of the people. They are also hatching conspiracy to foil the movement by imprisoning opposition’s top leaders. Many opposition leaders and activists are being kept detained in connection with false and concocted cases. Destroying the leadership of the opposition forces, they are mulling for holding another one-sided and farcical election. The people are facing the worst ever repression and torture and they are not finding any way out to get rid of this situation. Apparently, the government is taking preparation for holding another controversial election.

But we want to assert that the people will resist any attempt for holding another one-sided and farcical election.

He urged the countrymen to take part in programs spontaneously and not to be entrapped by the provocation of the government. We have to be alert about the conspiracy of the government and the movement to be carried out until the caretaker government is established.

I am calling upon the countrymen and the leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami to observe nationwide blockade on 8th and 9th November peacefully for the greater interest.