14 September 2023, Thu, 11:30

Acting Ameer expresses deep concern over massive fire and losses in Mohammadpur Krishi Market

-Professor Mujibur Rahman

Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former lawmaker Professor Mujibur Rahman has issued the following statement on 14th September expressing deep concern and shock over the massive fire incident and subsequent losses in Mohammadpur Krishi Market today.

A severe fire broke out in capital’s Mohammadpur Krishi Market at 4 am today. The severity of fire was so immense that the entire surrounding area became covered with smoke and suffocating air. Around 5 hundred shops were burnt into ashes within moments. The traders and businessmen became penniless as well. I am extending deep shock and sympathy in this regard.

The losses caused by this fire is not easily irreparable. I am praying to Allah seeking blessings so that the traders can recover the losses shortly. I am urging the concerned authorities to form a probe committee for finding out the reason behind this fire accident. Besides, I am calling upon the government and non-government donor agencies, political parties and affluent people of the society to take by the side of the fire victims.