Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Acting Secretary General Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 6th September 2023 protesting and condemning the unjustified arrests of 8 leaders and activists of Rajshahi city Jamaaat including city Jamaat’s Nayeb-e-Ameer Principal Siddique Hossain.
Rajshahi Metropolitan’s Airport police station has arrested of 8 leaders and activists of Rajshahi city Jamaaat including city Jamaat’s Nayeb-e-Ameer Principal Siddique Hossain on last 5th September. There was no arrest of warrant against them. Arresting the opposition leaders and activists just because of political vengeance is unexpected and unaccepted. I am condemning such unlawful activities of the government.
The incumbent undemocratic and fascist government has seized all the basic rights of the opposition parties including Jamaat-e-Islami. They do not have the mentality to accept criticism. Jamaat-e-Islami is a systematic and democratic political party. It the constitutional right of a party to hold processions and rallies. No one has the right to deprive a party from availing such right. The government has created a reign of terror nationwide. They have turned the entire nation a police state. The government is trying to linger its tenure by harassing the opposition men in connection with false and concocted case. But they will not be able to do so by continuing oppression and torture.
I am urging the concerned authorities to stop harassment and arrest drives and also to release all the detained leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and Chhatrashibir including Rajshahi city Jamaat’s Nayeb-e-Ameer Principal Siddique Hossain.