Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami's Acting Secretary General Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 3rd August 2023 expressing deep concern as BNP's Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman and his wife Dr. zobaida Rahman have been convicted with 9 years and 3 year's of imprisonment respectively.
On 2nd August, in an ill-motivated case, the court has sentenced BNP's Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman with 9 years imprisonment and his wife Dr. Zobaida Rahman with 3 years of imprisonment. We are expressing deep concern in this regard.
They have been given such punishments in a politically motivated case. They have given these imprisonments in a preplanned way just to tarnish their images. This incident is really a matter of great concern. It may create a negative impact upon the national politics in the upcoming days.
We are urging the concerned authorities to atop harassment, discourteous and intentional initiatives immediately.