Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 22nd June 2023 protesting and condemning the unjustified arrest of 9 Jamaat leaders and activists from Narail district.
While postering on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, Narail district detective police and Sadar thana police arrested 9 leaders and activists from different places of the district. This arrest drive is unlawful and a clear violation of constitutionally guaranteed rights. We are condemning and protesting this arrest incident.
For last 15 years, the government is torturing and oppressing the leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami to attain their political interest and this arrest drive is the continuation of such ill-activities. We want to assert that Jamaat-e-Islami is a systematic and democratic political party. The constitution allows all parties to operate its political activities. No one has the right deprive a party from exercising that right. No government can stay in office forcefully. No authority could foil the movement by arresting the opposition leaders. So, the incumbent government will not be able to do that as well.
I am urging the countrymen to raise voice against this tyrannical government. I am also calling upon the concerned authorities to stop repression and to release all detained leaders and activists immediately.