Executive Summary
The five year tenure (2009-2013) of the current Awami League led government has been marked by innumerable incidents of human rights violations and suppression of the mass people. The widespread of killing, enforced disappearance, attacks on minorities and violence on women have stirred concern all over the country. Hundreds of activists of BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami and other opposition parties were arrested without credible charges during the period. The judiciary and the administration are being used to persecute people not belonging to the ruling party. Regrettably, the government is still continuing the practice of violating human rights in line with the last five years.
The state of human rights in Bangladesh has become a matter of great sorrow as the Govt. is now on its tyrannical stand even against performing all the democratic rights of people. Many opposition activists have been heinous victim of the envy of ruling Govt. Opposition parties have been victim of brutal attack of police and ruthless suppressing behavior of law-enforcing agencies. Repeated attacks, tortures in custody, filing malicious cases and attacking opposition leaders with little credible charge are some of the most serious allegations brought against the current government. In the last 5 years, the series of violations of human rights have reached to an alarming level. From activists of the opposition party to the members of the minority, none are safe from the government. People from all spheres of life have been victim of attack by ruling party members or persecution by state agencies. This report focuses on some of the major violations of human rights during the period between 2009 and 2013 on a chronological basis.
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