Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the message of condolence on 19 March 2021 at the death of veteran religious scholar and noted scholar of Quran Shaykh Muhammad Ali Al Sabuni Al Halabi (RA).
In his message of Jamaat Ameer, Allama Sabuni was born in the city of Halab in Syria in 1939 in a prestigious Muslim family. In his boyhood, he completed Hifzul Quran and concentrated in higher studies. He also authored several significant books on various issues and sections of knowledge. He is the author of renowned Tafsir Safwat al-Tafāsīr. He died in a neighboring village of Istanbul in Turkey on 19 March of 2021, in the Arabic month of Shaban. I am expressing deep shock at his death. Muslims around the world lost a great guardian at his demise.
Allama Sabuni already completed his worldly journey and now he initiated his eternal journey. May Allah bless him and help him in this journey. May Allah ease all the stages of this journey. May Allah accept all his noble deeds to bless him with Jannah and helps his family to tolerate the pains of this tragic loss.