30 July 2024, Tue

Jamaat Ameer Strongly condemns and protests the illegal decision to ban Jamaat-e-Islami in 14-party alliance’s meeting

-Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islamis’ Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 30th July, 2024 strongly condemning and protesting the illegal decision to ban Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami which has been taken in a meeting of the ruling 14 party alliance on 29th July.

"I strongly condemn and protest the illegal, extrajudicial and unconstitutional decision to ban Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, which has been taken in the meeting of 14 party alliance on 29th July. Awami League-led 14-party alliance is a political platform. A political party or alliance cannot make any decisions about another political party. The law and constitution of Bangladesh has not given such jurisdiction to anyone. If a party or coalition bans another party, then another party will continue to ban the other party. Then there will be no such thing as state discipline. Jamaat-e-Islami is an established democratic political party, which has participated in all credible elections of Bangladesh and the party had representations in the National Parliament. The party has played a historic role in each of democratic movement in the history of Bangladesh. Awami League has conducted many movements in the past sitting with Jamaat. For ensuring a free, fair and impartial elections in the country, Jamaat-e-Islami presented the concept of caretaker government and based on that formula, fair elections were held in the country in several occasions. The demand to ban such a democratic party is illegal, extrajudicial and unconstitutional. People will not accept this decision of 14 party alliance.

Recently, when the anti-discrimination movement of the students became widespread, the Prime Minister, bridge minister, and liberation war minister made aggressive and provocative statements. As the consequence of such statements, the ruling party’s student wing, Chhatra League attacked the agitating students. Later, mass killings were carried out in the country by various forces of the state. In the history of Bangladesh, such indiscriminate massacre was never carried out to suppress any movement. The entire nation and peaceful world communities have accused the government of this mass killing. The whole nation is united against these mass killings.

The government has been lying since the beginning to avoid the responsibility of its misdeeds. Using state machineries, they are playing a blame game against Jamaat and other opposition parties. People of all walks including the teachers, cultural personalities, journalists and conscious citizens are protesting and criticizing such heinous role of the government. An international investigation has been demanded from various quarters. Under such an anarchic situation, the government has taken this stubborn decision to ban Jamaat-e-Islami in a meeting of 14 parties outside the jurisdiction and disregarding all political norms in order to divert the attention of the people of the country and the world communities. Their decision is unreasonable, illegal and unconstitutional. The people of the country rejected the decision of 14 parties.

Jamaat-e-Islami has been carrying out all its programs for the welfare of the people in a systematic, democratic and peaceful way since its inception and will continue to do so in the future, inshallah. The party has been continuing its contributions in various sectors including education, health, economy and social works. Jamaat is making relentless efforts to establish rule of law, justice and human rights in the country. Crores of people are associated and affiliated with Jamaat-e-Islami.

The countrymen and the world are aware that for the last 16 years, Jamaat-e-Islami has been subjected to the most brutal oppression in the political history of Bangladesh. Top leaders have been hanged in connection with false charges. Many leaders and activists have become martyred. Thousands of activists have been crippled forever. Many activists have gone missing and been abducted. However, Jamaat could not be separated from the people despite so much persecution. Earlier, in various occasions, Jamaat had been blamed for some ill-incidents without any investigation. But later it was proved that Jamaat was not involved in those incidents. Rather, it has become evident that the ruling party was involved in all those incidents. This time too, all the propaganda of the government will be proved false, inshallah.

With the love of the people in our hearts, we walk the path relying on the help and blessings of Almighty Allah. Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakil. Ni'mal Mawla wa Ni'man Nasir. All conspiracies will be countered with the love and support of the countrymen with patience, and bravery, insha Allah. We have full trust upon Almighty Allah.

No conspiracy can suppress the truth. Inshallah truth will win at the end. Oppression will end, countrymen will be freed. We are calling upon the patriotic people to raise their voices against the tyranny and protest against these mass killings. May Allah help us all. Ameen.