Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s central executive committee member and central publicity and media secretary Matiur Rahman Akanda said, people’s freedom and welfare will be ensured if the socio-economic condition of Bangladesh and the prevailing political situation is altered and Islam is established instead.
He said this while exchanging views with the people in Muktagacha of Mymensingh district on 25th June Sunday.
He said, Bangladesh is facing multifaceted crisis including corruption, misrule and abusing rights of the people. But there is no effective initiative to reduce mass suffering. It is the obligation of the state to preserve and protect public lives and properties and to pave the way for employment. But majority of the people of Bangladesh are leading deplorable lives. The state is doing nothing significant for them.
Akanda said, whoever is going to the power become the lord of the people. This problem can be solved by establishing an Islamic welfare state. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is trying to bring a positive change in a systematic and democratic way and simultaneously by creating mass awareness. He urged the local community members to take part in these efforts.