7 October 2022, Fri

Acting Secretary General attends ricshaw distribution program arranged by Sylhet city Jamaat

People’s fate can be changed by creating job opportunities

- Maulana ATM Masum

Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Maulana ATM Masum has said, genuine development of the society and the nation is never possible by keeping a portion of the society poor and destitute. It is not justified that poor people will remain always poverty-stricken. Self-reliance is required to alter their fates. The solvent people should come forward to upgrade the living status of the labor communities by creating job opportunities. In this backdrop, Sylhet city Jamaat’s rickshaw distribution program is a unique initiative. It will help some people to emerge as self-dependent.

He further said we want to work for the welfare of the people. We should return their rights back. We want to establish justice at all levels by removing differences among the people. But there is a vested quarter who cannot tolerate our noble deeds. Being failed to tackle us, they are torturing and repressing us. Our leaders had been executed unjustifiably. Despite such painful incidents, we are still on the field by the side of the people and will be Insha Allah.

Acting Secretary General said, the fellow brothers who receive rickshaws today, will be able to provide a rickshaw to other people. This task will pave the way to income halal means. But they should try to save some money. Their welfare both in this world and the hereafter will be secured ultimately as well. Jamaat’s Acting Secretary General said this while addressing a rickshaw distribution program in the Pathantula area of Sylhet city today. Sylhet city Jamaat organized the program.

Sylhet city Jamaat Ameer Fakhrul Islam presided over the program which was hosted by the city Nayeb-e-Ameer Maulana Sohel Ahmad. Among others, city Jamaat’s Assistant Secretary Advocate Mohammad Abdur Rab, Dr. Nurul Islam Babyl, labor leader Advocate Jamil Ahmed Raju, renowned lawyer Advocate Alim Uddin, Jamaat leader Maulana Abdul Mukit, Shamim Ahmed, labor leader Yasin Khan, and Mia Mohammad Rasel were present on the occasion.

Fakhrul Islam said, despite all hurdles and barriers, Jamaat has been working for humanity. Jamaat was by the side of the people during the recent devastating flood. Now the party is conducting rehabilitation activities. Along side those assistances, we have provided vans, sewing machines, financial assistance, academic items among the students, winter clothes for the poor sections, free medical camps, free treatment and medicine distributions free of cost, and arranged different welfare programs like circumcision. Jamaat wants to establish a country free from corruption and poverty. Jamaat’s noble activities will be going on by the grace of Almighty Allah.