A meeting of the central committee of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami was held with party’s Acting Ameer and former MP Professor Mujibur Rahman in the chair. The meeting discussed the overall political situation of the country and declared a grand rally at Shapla Chattar of the capital on next 28th October.
Addressing the central executive committee, Professor Mujibur Rahman said, the incumbent Awami League government has come to the power following a planned and pre-designed election, held on 29th December of 2008. Since coming to the office, they lodged false and fabricated cases against the Jamaat leaders in order to destroy the leadership of this organization and subsequently executed all of our top leaders. As a result, Bangladesh is suffering from political leadership now. To subdue the dissident voices, cases after cases have been filed against the leaders and activities of the opposition members. In order to prevent the participation of the opposition leaders in the upcoming election, statements of the witnesses are being recorded in politically motivated cases till night even after the court’s office time ends.
Awami League came to the power again following a voter less election of 2014. Actually, that was not election. The ruling party candidates became winner in 154 constituencies uncontested. It means, more than 50% of the total voters could not cast their vote in that election. Then again in 2018 election, they secured their victory by casting votes in the previous night before the actual election day. It has been considered as the election of midnight throughout the world. This time, the government is again trying to come back to the office by holding another farcical election. Already all political parties, intellectuals, civil society members, lawyers and people of all professions and sections have raised the demand for restoring caretaker government system but the government is not paying heed to those demands.
Central executive committee has been observing with great concern that, in last 15 years the incumbent government has turned this nation into a failed country by continuing murders, abduction, anarchy, corruption and misrule. Bangladesh has been introduced in the world as the nation without voting rights, human rights and absence of democracy. The next parliamentary election is scheduled to be held 3 months later. As a systematic and democratic party, Jamaat-e-Islami has been repeatedly making demands to release all political leaders including party Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, withdrawal of false cases and to accept the demand of restoring caretaker government system.
The entire nation is united to press home this demand. Under the circumstances, the Central executive committee of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is declaring grand rally on next 28th October in Shapla Chattar of the capital demanding immediate dissolve of the Parliament and simultaneously to arrange next election under a caretaker government. Central executive committee urges the country man and the party manpower to take part in this program in a disciplined way to make it successful.
Central executive committee think that the main obligation of the law enforcers of the country is to assist the political parties to hold its rallies and processions. To organize peaceful political programs is a constitutional right of a political party and it is the duty of the law enforcement agencies to help and assist the parties so that they can avail this constitutional right. But they cannot create bar in exercising such rights. Earlier we have applied more than 60 times in various places of the country seeking permission and assistance of the law enforcers to hold processions and rallies but they did not respond positively. It is completely undemocratic and unconstitutional approach. Central executive committee urges the law enforcers to be refrained from playing the same role this time.
Central executive committee urges to strengthen the ongoing movement by taking part in the grand rally, declared on 28th October in the capital and also calling upon the country man and the party leaders and activities not to be entrapped by the provocation of the government and also not to engage in any type of unconstitutional and anti-democratic activities.