Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 19 February 2021 urging to solemnly observe 21st February as International Mother Language Day and Language Martyr’s Day.
21st February is going to be observed as International Mother Language and Language Martyr’s Day. In 1952, people of all classes including our youths, juveniles and student communities launched a massive agitation and movement against the then rulers in order to press their demands of establishing Bengali as the state language.
The brutal authorities instructed the law enforcers to open fire against the agitators which left several people killed including some students of Dhaka University. The nation will always remember them for their utmost sacrifices. I am praying to Allah seeking salvation of their souls.
21st February has attained the recognition as international Mother Language Day. It is a global recognition to our language martyrs. To secure the due position of Bengali language, it must be established and practiced at all levels and it must be saved from the cultural and anti-national aggression. Only then, the dream, of the language martyrs will be fulfilled.
We are going to observe this historic day in such a critical time, when there no existence of democracy, rule of law, human rights and freedom of expression and speech in the country. People has no right to speak against injustices and tyrants. The undemocratic approaches of the ruling authorities are being exposed in all aspects.
I am urging all wings and front organizations of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islamiand seeking the assistances of the fellow countrymen to solemnly observe 21st February as International Mother Language Day and Language Martyr’s Day.