Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 28 August 2020 marking the event of holy Ashura on 10th Muharram of the Hijri year 1442.
Muslims from all around the world consider the Day of Ashura as very significant. Almighty Allah has created the earth on this day and it will be destroyed on the same day. Allah has created the first man Adam (A) on this day. On this day, the great flood of Noah (A) has come to an end and His ark landed in the area of mount Judaic. Prophet Ibrahim (A) got free from firing coal of tyrannical ruler Namrud on this day. Prophet Aiyub (A) got full recovery from his diseases on the same day. Allah, the Exalted, caused the ultimate devastation of Pharaoh and his forces and let Prophet Moses (A) and his companions to survive on this day. Prophet Solomon (A) also regained his empire on the day. On this day, Prophet Esa (A) was born and ascended to the sky on this very day.
On this day, the grandson of the Prophet (pbuH), Hossain (RA) was brutally murdered in the vast ground of Karbala. This is one of the most important and significant incidents of the Islamic history. After so many years, Muslims are still becoming emotional and mournful commemorating this tragic event.
Hazrat Hossain (RA) went on this day to the Karbala ground along with his family and relatives to launch protest against injustice and crimes. He embraced martyrdom to press his demand of establishing an Islamic state like the Prophetic tradition. The tragic event of Karbala took place as he repeatedly refused to compromise with the wrongdoers. The incidents of Karbala motivate us to continue our uncompromised struggle against injustices and indiscrimination.
Even now, the entire world, particularly our homeland Bangladesh are suffering from exploitations, oppression, tortures and crackdowns. If we can secure lessons from the historical events of Ashura to continue our struggle against injustice, then our discussion on 10th Muharram will be fruitful. By realizing and upholding the spirit of truth and justice, we would be able to pay genuine tribute to Hazrat Hossain (RA).