Acting Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former member of the Parliament Professor Mujibur Rahman has issued the following statement on 11th November, 2017 declaring nationwide peaceful demonstration on 13th November, Monday protesting the price hike of the essentials and also with the demand for curbing the price hike of the necessary commodities.
“The sufferings of the general masses, particularly of the low and middle income people know no bounds as the price of all essential commodities including rice, lentils, wheat, oil, vegetables, fishes, meat, onions, garlic have increased alarmingly. The peoples are passing days amidst unbearable cost of living.
At present, price of all essentials including rice, lentils, wheat, oil, vegetables, fishes, meat, onions, garlic are on hike. A fixed income people cannot maintain 15-20 days of the month with his income. He has to pass rest of the days either by taking loans or owing those commodities.
Right now, Miniket rice is available in the market at 60 taka per kilogram, Indian rice is available at 50 taka per kilo, local BR rice is being sold at 52 taka per kilo, and thin rice is being sold from 90 to 100 taka per kilo. Whereas flour is being sold 34 taka per kilogram, price of lentil is 125-135 taka per kilo. Generally fishes are being sold at 300 taka per kilo. Chicken is available from 125 to 170 taka, beef is being sold from 480 to 520 taka, and mutton is being sold at 800 taka per kilogram.
No vegetable in the market is available which is being sold less than 60 taka per kilogram. Onion is being sold 90 taka per kilogram while green chilli are being sold at 200 taka per kilogram.
The middle class and the poor people are passing life terribly due to such excessive price hike.
The government is busy to protect its office. They are not taking any effective steps to control the price hike of the essentials. The incumbent government is not elected by the people and this is why, they don’t bother at mass sufferings. They are busy in plotting conspiracies to stay in power by holding a voter less, farcical election once again.
In this backdrop, on behalf of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, I am declaring nationwide peaceful demonstration on 13th November, Monday protesting the price hike of the essentials and simultaneously urging the concerned authorities to curb the price hike of the necessary commodities. I am calling upon the front and wings organizations of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami to make the declared program successful and seeking the kind assistance of the countrymen in this regard.”