1. If the District/Metropolitan Majlish-e-Shura is constituted, the District/Metropolitan Ameer shall take decision in consultation with the District/Metropolitan Majlish-e-Shura in all important matters.
2. In performing the day to day activities and in cases where consent of the District/Metropolitan Majlish-e-Shura has not been taken, the District/Metropolitan Ameer may in consultation with the District/Metropolitan Working Committee take emergency and provisional measures subject to the approval of the next first session of the Majlish-e-Shura.
3. If any difference arises on any matter between the District/Metropolitan Ameer and the District/Metropolitan Majlish-e-Shura, the matter shall be referred to the District/Metropolitan Members’ Conference. If the matter is not settled there, then the same shall be referred to the Ameer-e-Jamaat.